Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We have Power!

Today the electric company made an appearance and finally set our new power pole. Now the house has power and we've got a big enough transformer to run the entire 'compound'.

2nd Floor and Deck work

Saturday, October 11, 2008

1st Buck of the Season

Durrell took this nice 9 point from the Levy stand last night. We recovered it this morning after tracking it for about 100 yards. Weight of 140 puts him in the lead for the buck contest... oh yeah, he's the only one with a buck so far. :)

A week of progress and some setbacks.

The entire house is now under roof and we even have several 2nd floor windows installed. Plumbing is 75% done as well as the HVAC ductwork. We almost got electric to the house this week but when the power company came to set the pole, they managed to drill a hole directly into a 2" water main thus shutting off the water AND power for several hours. Now that the water main is fixed, their repair hole (4' x 3' wide) must be filled and a different site selected for the power pole. The electric company plans to resume their project on Tuesday. Rooster advised the drill team to buy a lottery ticket as they had 280 acres to select a spot to drill and they managed to pick the one spot with the water main!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Deer Season begins!

Congratulations Big D on the first deer of the 08 Season!Durrell sat in the Levy stand with his Matthews bow and after just 25 minutes, he took a perfect shot at 4:45pm and knocked down a doe with his 10 yard shot. Official weigh in after field dressed was 100 lbs. So far, he's the Big Doe Contest leader! Oh yeah, he's the only person with a deer down so far. Way to go D!

Treestand with a view

This is the view from the 3D stand...