I know you are all checking to blog in hopes of seeing LOGS.... believe me, we'd like to see logs too! Not much progress is being made due to rain, rain and more rain. Yesterday was a wash, literally. We had two major deluges. One started at 5AM and the second hit around 5PM. The ground is so saturated there is no where for the water to go. Don and I took a drive through the puddles last night to get some photos. See if you can recognize any of these 'trails'.This is our 'normal' crossing on the North side by the gate... notice the tree being swept downstream? While we were standing there taking pictures, it was uprooted from the bank just 50 yards from us and after crashing into the creek, it was swept away.This is the view from Charlies field. Above is looking upstream. Below is looking downstream.Photo below is the trail crossing to go to Chalies Stand by the pig huts. Initially we couldn't traverse this at all. After the water subsided, I ventured across in my Jeep but Don't Jeep wasn't tall enough to make it. Let's just say that I had 2" of water on my floorboards after I crossed with a 4" lift and bigger tires.
The above and below photo's were taken by Don at the little stream coming into the farm. So much for all the grading work I did last week to make it passable. I'll be back out there this morning smoothing it out again so the drivers can get through.