Wow. After a very productive week, we're all exhausted and enjoying a night off with our feet up. In review, we can summarize the week this way:
8 bandaids
12 hour work days
15 hours of car time
936 miles for supplies
too much money to admit too, and finally,
9,600 mg of Motrin
All these numbers add up to one thing... lots of laughs, great memories and significant progress at the house!
Here's a few of the shots from our last couple days:The craft room has walls, ceiling, trim and even a character log!
Emory taking a snack break.
Durrell at work insulating his 'office'.
Durrell helps with the master shower tile.The master shower is nearing completion.
What a mess!
Emory plays with his new power tools.Sunshine's bathroom takes shape.
We have a mantle!
Pocket doors with hardware.Greg says 'See Ya' and heads to Mexico.